ER-MAN cosmetıc was founded in 2000 and are operating ın the cosmetıcs ındustry. Our experience, dedication and commitment to the cosmetics industry has been ever evolving and increasing and thıs has reflected the innovative ideas of what we bring to our customers with each passing year. ER-MAN cosmetics has begun with the First Time' brand which is the name found on our products as this is our current brand line. We continuously add new products to our First Time product line which ranges from complextion, to eyes, to lips. Our customer-oriented approach is devoted into meeting the demands of the customer to bring dynamism and a difference to the sector ıt is committed to. Following the developments in the cosmetics world we thus keeping customer satisfaction at our forefront. Our products are manafactured in accordance with GMP which does not threaten human health. We do not undergo any form of animal testing. We have an experienced team carried out by a team of R & Ds. All of our products which are available to consumers and are tested and manufactured in accredited laboratories before they are avaılable to customers. As an established and experienced company we strive to serve you in all aspects of the beauty cosmetics world and will be proud to serve you.